
Rodinia: Accelerating Compute-Intensive Applications with Accelerators

A vision of heterogeneous computer systems that incorporate diverse accelerators and automatically select the best computational unit for a particular task is widely shared among researchers and many industry analysts; however, there are no agreed-upon benchmarks to support the research needed in the development of such a platform. There are many suites for parallel computing on general-purpose CPU architectures, but accelerators fall into a gap that is not covered by previous benchmark development. Rodinia is released to address this concern.

The Rodinia Benchmark Suite, version 3.1 (Version history) Rodinia is designed for heterogeneous computing infrastructures with OpenMP, OpenCL and CUDA implementations.

Applications Dwarves Domains Parallel Model Incre. Ver.
LeukocyteStructured GridMedical ImagingCUDA, OMP, OCL
Heart WallStructured GridMedical ImagingCUDA, OMP, OCL
MUMmerGPUGraph TraversalBioinformaticsCUDA, OMP
CFD SolverUnstructured GridFluid DynamicsCUDA, OMP, OCL
LU DecompositionDense Linear AlgebraLinear AlgebraCUDA, OMP, OCL
HotSpotStructured GridPhysics SimulationCUDA, OMP, OCL
Back PropogationUnstructured GridPattern RecognitionCUDA, OMP, OCL
Needleman-WunschDynamic ProgrammingBioinformaticsCUDA, OMP, OCL
KmeansDense Linear AlgebraData MiningCUDA, OMP, OCL
Breadth-First SearchGraph TraversalGraph AlgorithmsCUDA, OMP, OCL
SRADStructured GridImage ProcessingCUDA, OMP, OCL
StreamclusterDense Linear AlgebraData MiningCUDA, OMP, OCL
Particle FilterStructured GridMedical ImagingCUDA, OMP, OCL
PathFinderDynamic ProgrammingGrid TraversalCUDA, OMP, OCL
Gaussian EliminationDense Linear AlgebraLinear AlgebraCUDA, OCL
k-Nearest NeighborsDense Linear AlgebraData MiningCUDA, OMP, OCL
LavaMD2N-BodyMolecular DynamicsCUDA, OMP, OCL
MyocyteStructured GridBiological SimulationCUDA, OMP, OCL
B+ TreeGraph TraversalSearchCUDA, OMP, OCL
GPUDWTSpectral MethodImage/Video CompressionCUDA, OCL
Hybrid SortSortingSorting AlgorithmsCUDA, OCL
Hotspot3DStructured GridPhysics SimulationCUDA, OCL, OMPHotspot for 3D IC
HuffmanFinite State MachineLossless data compressionCUDA, OCL

Other applications under evaluation:

Applications Dwarves Domains Parallel Model Comment
SQLite SelectMap ReduceRelational DatabaseCUDAThis benchmark needs an OCL version and also may be too simple
3D StencilStructured GridCellular AutomationCUDAWill be superseded by a more sophisticated 3D benchmark

1. Ana Lucia Varbanescu and Jianbin Fang, Delft University of Technology contributed the OpenCL version.

2. In collaboration with EssayLamba and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Please read the Rodinia license.

Several applications/libraries come with their own licenses.

Also, if your use of Rodinia results in a publication, please cite:

[1] S. Che, M. Boyer, J. Meng, D. Tarjan, J. W. Sheaffer, S.-H. Lee, and K. Skadron. Rodinia: A Benchmark Suite for Heterogeneous Computing. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), pp. 44-54, Oct. 2009.

[2] S. Che, J. W. Sheaffer, M. Boyer, L. G. Szafaryn, L. Wang, and K. Skadron. A Characterization of the Rodinia Benchmark Suite with Comparison to Contemporary CMP Workloads. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization, Dec. 2010.

This work is supported by NSF grant nos. IIS-0612049, CNS-0916908 and CNS-0615277, a grant from the SRC under task no. 1607, and grants from AMD, NEC labs, and NVIDIA Research.

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